Photo radar contractor decides where most enforcement happens, Winnipeg police say

The operators with for profit Traffic Safe Solutions who are contracted by for profit Conduent have regularly said ‘we only go where WPS tells us to go” when told they enforcing unlawfully in locations with missing signage, where no work being done on the actual lanes for traffic, the zone extended longer than permitted or required, speed limits artificially lowered or enforing unfairly when no workers present.

The current an past Winnipeg Mayors, City Councils and Provincial Governments since 2003 have not enforced the Conditions of Authority for Photo Enforcement which is grounds for the program to be terminated.

The elected and appointed officials that have allowed this or turned a blind eye seem to only care about the $70 Million or more per year taken from drives and be vehicle owners. The Province gets 50% of this “safety” revenue which is arguably unlawful taxation as fines. The City gets 25% and WPS gets 25% after paying its for profit partner.

Many of the photo enforcement “safety” programs / schemes like this in other jurisdictions have been proven to be involved in corruption with serveral resulting in investigations and convictions including up to 10 years in prison for public officials.

This and the fact the programs and technology have repeatedly been proven to not improve safety or make it worse is why it banned in many places.