Dec 21 2018 – Kevin Yaworski – WiseUpWinnipeg
Is this City of Winnipeg Public Engagement notice below good information, bragging or propaganda?
How about the stats they should be including.
– How many consulted about traffic and parking photo enforcement operation, review and oversight?
Answer 0, and there is none of that. What is that needed for.
– How many responded to WPS CALEA re-accreditation review ?
Only three or four but sorry we didn’t think to use the OPE but one tweet from the WPS officer leading the review that got 3 likes and 1 retweet. Sorry we waited till pressure to release report and massaged the report to take out the critical comments from respondents. We didnt think you wanted to hear about this.
– How many consulted or engaged about annual review of conditions of authority requirments for photo enforcement?
Sorry we didnt do this again but see our last one from 2011 that we used to expand it for you to improve “safety”
Note even that report mostly false and misleading.
– Pembina Highway speed limit review update (South of St. Norbert after the le salle bridge)
35 residents and concerned citizens attended info session and 600 responded to survey. Almost 80% want the limit restored to 70 or 80 km/hr as per the certified Engineers recommendations and 100% wanted proper signage installed as per engineering standards for safety and violation reduction.
We dont agree with all these people or put this on the back burner. It has been like this for two decades or more so it can wait some more.
More details on this below.
Many more examples of great CoW public engagement at and under announcements, regular pinned posts and nested links.
If you agree, are fed up, have another suggestion or want to give them a pat on the back.
Telephone 204-986-4243
Fax 204-949-1174
More on the Pembina Highway speed limit review update (South of St. Norbert after the le salle bridge)
Approx 35 residents and concerned citizens attended the information session on Nov 30, 2017 and approx 600 completed an online survey (online and in-person) over three weeks.
Councilliors Janice Lukes and MLA John Reyes decided to ignore this and she called for another study. Lukes, Councillor and Chair of infrastructure Matt Allard, Brian Mayes and others on the majority of the infrastructure comittee decided to ignore this and instead ask for or support Minister Schuler’s bill 14 that was passed and gives authority from the MB HTB to municipalities to set speed limits.
The PC majority parliament passed this bill even with the well documented fact that the City has regularly ignored engineering standards and recommendations for proper traffic safety. There is many documented examples of artifically lowering speed limits, taking down recommended and already paid and installed speed limit, reduction and photo radar ahead signs and then bloated and overbudget WPS and for profit PE partner TSS / Xerox / Conduent aggressively target these created deficiencies.
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City of Winnipeg – Public Engagement News
Thank you to those for engaging and paricipating in 2018!
Your willingness to contribute your time, energy, and knowledge gave 2018 projects the community context and varied perspectives needed for improved decision making.
2018 Highlights
– Our first ever engagement warming hut for the Osborne to Downtown Walk Bike Bridge project.
– Record breaking survey numbers (over 9,300!) for the Recreation and Parks Strategies.
– The Residential Infill Strategy brought different perspectives together to find common ground and develop an action plan to meet the needs of the community.
– Initiated a community traffic study in Lord Roberts to trial an approach to community traffic management that is collaborative and evidenced-based.
2018 Engagement Stats
– Over 40 projects asked for public input
– 30 surveys with over 17,500 respondents
– 70 in-person events with over 2,700 participants
– 25 biweekly public engagement newsletters
Have a safe and happy holiday season and we hope you participate again in 2019!
This newsletter is sent out every other Thursday. We strive to promote events at least two weeks ahead through other means such as newspaper ads, social media, and direct mail.